Attorney at law
[email protected]

Graduated from the University of Sonora (UNISON) in 2008 with 10 years of experience in the field.

During my academic preparation I was meritorious in the Agency IV Investigation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the common law. In which, I was appointed to a secretary of agreements, supporting in the actions that were carried out in tasks such as so, taking complaints, statements, receiving witnesses, among others. Subsequently, I performed my social service at the Environmental Protection Attorney's Office (PROFEPA), where I was part of the project of legal advice in environmental and administrative legislation.

My work experience began in a law firm in my hometown, in which for 8 years I developed and carried out civil, criminal, labor and commercial trials. In 2016, I was awarded the assignment of data entry and chief administrative assistant at the insurance module located in the Urban Health Center of Puerto Peñasco. In which, I provided information to users and beneficiaries about health services and social security. Finally, it was in 2021 when I joined the Mexico Docu Prep & Services team as a legal collaborator. Which has represented for me, teaching and learning in the field of assignment, of real estate rights, goods and property.